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Eucharistic Musings

I’m at Mass in my parish church:

Singing: Oh good. inclusive language.
Oh no. exclusive language

Oh good. It’s Fr …………..
Oh no. It’s Fr …………….

Homily: Oh good. Vatican 2 theology
Oh no. Pre -Vatican 2 theology

More women than men in the pews.
More men than women in the sanctuary.
Only men at the altar.

Creed: Oh good. Apostles
Oh no. Nicene

Communion: Oh good. Everybody partaking
Oh no. not everybody allowed to partake

A recurring disturbing thought at each communion: Why do we still exclude people from Communion in our Eucharist? Being here, am I complicit in this exclusion? I know the theology and can’t agree with it. Exclusion goes against everything the Eucharist is about. You can still share this meal, regardless of your race, religion, gender orientation, marital status.

I’m living in a mountain village in Latin America, no resident priest, so no mass all year but meaningful liturgies led by lay leader village catechists and the Sisters who jointly administer the parish.

I’m in a country parish here in ANZ, only one priest for 3 church communities, so “daily” Mass reduced to twice a week apart from Sunday mass. Are we disadvantaged compared with cities with their choice of more than one mass a day, or in solidarity with the mountain people?

I’m down at the river where I’m welcomed into a sacred place by the outstretched arms of the most magnificent giant oak tree as I arrive at the entrance to the river path to do my thanksgiving walk each morning.

Music: the dawn chorus, bird song all around.

Word of God: “God has written a precious book, whose letters are the multitude of created things written in the universe….. In contemplation of creation we see in each thing a teaching from God….to hear a message, to listen to a silent voice……” (LS 85)

The Congregation: walkers, joggers, runners, bikers, mental health patients, dog walkers, people of all gender types, races, cultures, ages…babes to olds like me, various 4 legged creatures, as well as diverse winged creatures and fish in the river. It’s the river path community, sharing a similar experience, finding nourishment for their souls, health for their bodies, peace for their minds in God’s creation, sharing a greeting, a word, a smile, a sign of peace.

The mysterious power of river and sky have a transformative effect, my global awareness raised when in my mind I follow the flowing river on its journey to the ocean. I’m reminded of the importance of water for all my sisters and brothers around the world, calling to mind those who suffer for lack of water, justice still to be done so that all have an equal share of this world’s goods. After all we are all God’s children, one family, united under the same sky.

God’s peace flowing like a river, flowing out through you and me.

Make me a channel of your peace today.

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2 years ago

I find your sketch of various contexts for possible encounter with God, myself, and other persons, humorous, thought-provoking, and insightful. Your “bouncing thoughts” at your parish church are thoughts/questions that have also bounced in me!! The joy and deep peace you experience in the “cathedral of creation” are also experiences I recognize. Thank you for “giving voice” to these experiences.