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Our Focus: From Classroom to Cosmos

The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM) in Canada have served primarily as educators. In numerous towns and cities in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, western Ontario and Quebec, the Sisters operated primary and secondary schools, as well as music departments. Their educational endeavors have included nurturing and challenging intellectual curiosity, encouraging prowess in the arts, developing athletic abilities, encouraging civic responsibilities, and fostering faith development.

Participating in the Great Work

At our 2008 Congregation Chapter RNDMs made a conscious and deliberate choice for earth, to be advocates for the life-systems and full flourishing of our common home. Each subsequent chapter has affirmed the commitments of that seminal document. Today, as part of the web of life within the community of earth, we seek to learn, to educate and to practice justice with ever expanding circles of need and purpose.  From a seed to the cosmos, we hear the call to grow and expand.

Grounded in Earth, Reconciliation, Social / Eco Justice

In 2015, with the support of the Sisters world-wide, we launched a new initiative focused on reconciliation with Indigenous persons in Canada, We believe this is an important Kairos [1] moment for all Canadians, and we want to contribute to the necessary consciousness and conversion that will help in establishing a new relationship with Canada’s first peoples.

1 Kairos: an ancient Greek word signifying the right, proper, critical, or opportune moment.

Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions

393 Gaboury Place
Winnipeg, MB 
R2H 0L5

Phone: (204) 786-6051 
Fax: (204) 691-0640
