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Video: Prayer for the Synod at Cardinal Flahiff’s Grave: October 4, 2023

This 20 minute video depicts October 4 prayer at Cardinal Flahiff’s grave in Winnipeg, on the first day of the Synod in Rome.  We gathered in solidarity with all the delegates to the Synod, and in particular, with nine members of the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE), who had gone to Rome to be “extramural” participants in this historic event.   

The day in Winnipeg was cold, grey, wet and windy.  The blowing wind can be seen and heard in the recording.  (“fill the earth, bring it to birth, and blow where you will” – as Miriam Therese Winters sings.). 

Sr. Giang Pham, who created this video, did well in “overriding” the blowing wind, and picking up the sound of participants’  voices and the music.  And while it’s a “phone video”, it has an artistry, and reflects a moment of community larger than us all.

A transcript of the prayer service is available on RNDM YouTube site, below the video, entitled “PRAYER SERVICE FOR THE SYNOD AT CARDINAL FLAHIFF’S GRAVE”.

Veronica Dunne is a Sister of our Lady of the Missions (RNDM), who has primarily  worked as an educator and counsellor in institutional and community based settings in Canada.  She has also served with the RNDMs outside of Canada in Senegal, Peru, and Aotearoa New Zealand. 

A 2002 Doctor of Ministry graduate from the University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology at the University of Toronto, she subsequently served as director of the Doctor of Ministry program at St. Stephen’s College at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Her current research interests are in eco-theology and cosmology, and their intersections with indigenous cosmologies and spiritualties. 

She presently serves on the RNDM leadership team in Canada.         

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