Christmas Gift Giving Campaign 2024

A Gift That Makes a Difference!

Dear Friends, Benefactors, Partners in Mission,

Thank you again for considering to participate with our “Christmas Gift that Makes a Difference” campaign. Sr. Sheila Madden launched this initiative in 2010 under the auspices of the international congregation of RNDM. Sr. Tara Dubord and others picked it up in 2018 and carried it forward until now. At present we are a small group of RNDM collaborators continuing this legacy of fundraising for RNDM mission projects around the world. We are deeply grateful for the ways your partnership and generosity have helped the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions in diverse countries to assist poor, neglected, and marginalised people. Their lives can sing a different song when we work in partnership with them and with you.

We have two projects for Christmas 2024: India and the Philippines.  There are two ways to help:

Thank you for your generosity and your solidarity in giving a Gift That Makes a Difference.

Sr. Sandy, RNDM, for the RNDM Christmas Gift-Giving Committee:

Bonnie Dickie
Charlene Lipka
Barb Potkonjak
Heather Frayne
Sandra Stewart, RNDM

India South Project

To support 100 physically challenged people and their families in Almel and
surrounding villages, North Karnataka

The RNDMs of Nirmalalaya Community in the Bijapur district of southern India are looking to meet the basic and medical needs of 100 physically challenged people in 20 villages.

The project is also about “bringing awareness to family members to take care of them and consider them as human beings and not as a curse,” says Sr. Oliva Saldana, the sister in charge of the project.

“Covid 19 created a pathetic condition for these families. Many of them live hand-to-mouth.”

Their physical challenges range from cerebral palsy to visual, speech, hearing and cognitive impairments. Their families cannot meet the daily needs of these people with disabilities and earn a living at the same time. 

The Sisters have a comprehensive list of the individuals and families they intend to support through regular visits, nutritious foods, medicines and other medical supports.

“This project will help the physically challenged to live a sustainable life with respect and dignity,” Sr. Oliva concludes.

Philippines Project

To provide families with rainwater collection systems for sanitation and hygiene

The indigenous Menubu Dulangan tribe in southern Philippines has been displaced by settlers and forced to move inland to remote villages of Kulaman, where they are without access to clean water for sanitation and hygiene.

They depend on good weather for their agriculture-based livelihoods. Water shortages are common as the villages cannot develop wells due to lack of groundwater and access to electricity.

“Thus, the most feasible and sustainable source of water is the rain,” explains Sr. Petite Lao, promoter of the project. 

“A simple water collection structure (gutter system) and small tank will be awarded to families who have the least access to water.”

Access to water for sanitation and hygiene will help curb the incidence of infectious diseases in the communities.

This project aims to provide water collection systems to 50 families. In coming years, says Sr. Petite, the Sisters hope to expand water development projects in the area “to help the Menubu Dulangan tribe live healthier and to thrive.”

Let ours be a time remembered for awakening a new respect for Earth and all her inhabitants, for one another, for ourselves and for our common destiny.
RNDM Earth Community: We Are One, We are Love. 2008

Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions

393 Gaboury Place
Winnipeg, MB 
R2H 0L5

Phone: (204) 786-6051 
Fax: (204) 691-0640