Calmness: A Taste of Freedom
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were… Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them,…
On the evening of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were… Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them,…
Newsflash: There is such pain in the world! It is not suffering in general that overwhelms me, but when it devolves into cruelty, brutality, and ruthless violence I feel cut…
My favorite liturgical feast is Pentecost! It announces itself with aliveness, zeal, and spirit—a wildly untamed Spirit that is—and one cannot commit their life to this Spirit and expect to…
Most would agree with the newspaper article I read today that stated “we live in a fraught and fractured time!” Signs of disorder, chaos, and collapse are everywhere. Distrust, disinterest,…
Sometimes the world upsets me, discourages me, and causes me to tremble. Like many in Canada, I was shaken by the recent events of the “freedom convoy” that motored its…