The Birds of the Air, They Will Tell You
As I write this, it is mid-October here in Aotearoa New Zealand and so half way through spring. It has certainly been the birds and bee season around our home…
As I write this, it is mid-October here in Aotearoa New Zealand and so half way through spring. It has certainly been the birds and bee season around our home…
Jackpine swayed in South-East Wind and Spring stirred ever-so-slightly in her snug nest near the Crown. Ice boomed and crackled in the cold and Slush formed slowly under Snow’s warm…
I have been fascinated by spring’s unfolding this year, my first in Toronto since 1994. A collection of morning walk photos describes its gradual emergence – attesting to snowdrops and…
Pentecost is my favourite feast! It is full of the assurances of new life. Its Spirit arrives as easily as my next breath or flares forth like a super nova.…