Reflection for Christmas, the Nativity of the Lord
Isaiah 62:11-12 (RM, “Mass at Dawn”) or 6-12 (RCL); Psalm 97; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:15-20 (RM) or [1-7] 8-20 (RCL.) It seems Christmas is rife with Scripture readings we’ve heard…
Isaiah 62:11-12 (RM, “Mass at Dawn”) or 6-12 (RCL); Psalm 97; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:15-20 (RM) or [1-7] 8-20 (RCL.) It seems Christmas is rife with Scripture readings we’ve heard…
Isaiah 7:10-14 (RM) or 10-16 (RCL); Psalm 24 (RM) or 80 (RCL); Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-24 (RM) or 18-25 (RCL.) Two weeks ago, I was sitting contentedly in a wonderful…
Isaiah 35:1-6a, 10 (RM) or 1-10 (RCL); Psalm 146; James 5:7-10; Matthew 11:2-11. Cousins. The depth of the relationship between cousins can vary from nonexistent to very close. In my…
Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72; Romans 15:4-9 (RM) or 4-13 (RCL); Matthew 3:1-12. If I were standing in front of you preaching (and not tapping away on a computer keyboard) I’d…
Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44 (RM) or 36-44 (RCL.) It’s the purple season for Roman Catholics, blue season for Protestants. It’s the standing-on-tiptoes-craning your-neck season (and not…
2 Samuel 5:1-3 (RM) or Jeremiah 23:1-6 (RCL); Psalm 122 (RM) or 46 (RCL); Colossians 1: 12-20 (RM) or 11-20 (RCL); Luke 23:35-43 (RM) or 33-43 (RCL.) Kings seem to…
Malachi 3:19-20a (RM) or Malachi 4:1-2a (RCL); Psalm 98; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 (RM) or 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 (RCL); Luke 21:5-19.The human brain has a wonderful capacity to restore balance when…
2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14; Psalm 17; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-3:5; Luke 20:27-38 For All Saints Sunday: Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6: 20-31 It seems to hang in…
Wisdom 11: 22 – 12: 2 (RM) or Isaiah 1: 10-18 (RCL); Psalm 145 or 32; 2 Thessalonians 1: 11 - 2: 2 (RM) or 1: 1-4, 11-12 (RCL); Luke…
Sirach 35: 12-14, 16-18 (RM) or 35: 12-17(RCL); Psalm 34 or 84; 2 Timothy 4: 6-8, 16-18; Luke 18: 9-14. Did you, by chance, grow up with the older English…