Is God a Superman in the Sky?
Reflection for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time B / Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost Readings: Daniel 12: 1-3; Psalm 16; Hebrews 10: 11-14, 18 (RM) or 18-25 (RCL); Mark 13:…
Reflection for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time B / Twenty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost Readings: Daniel 12: 1-3; Psalm 16; Hebrews 10: 11-14, 18 (RM) or 18-25 (RCL); Mark 13:…
Dana Thompson-Peladeau is the niece of Sandra Stewart, RNDM. She is married to Ryan and they have two children. Dana is completing her social work degree. This poem was a…
Malachi 3:19-20a (RM) or Malachi 4:1-2a (RCL); Psalm 98; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12 (RM) or 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 (RCL); Luke 21:5-19.The human brain has a wonderful capacity to restore balance when…