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A “Yes!” Renewed

I’m gonna open my heart and say yes, yes to life
like the crocus growin’ up through the snow
I’m gonna open my heart and say yes, yes to life
like the frozen lake cracks with the floe
I’m gonna listen to the tender voice deep down in my heart
I’m gonna nurture it, follow it free
for my heart waits to dance in this body of mine
and my life wants to make love to me1

It is the eve of my silver anniversary of First Profession as a Sister of Our Lady of the Missions. On that day, 25 years ago, I danced to the music of this song in wholehearted yearning for unreserved commitment to the One calling me onward as an RNDM. Heather Bishop’s lyrics have come back to me in the unfolding of the past year, and, when I think I am on my own along the river walkway, I sing throatily, with abandon and renewed longing, my heart wandering back with gratitude and amazement at the varied seasons of my life, interwoven, through struggles and joys, with the lives of so many others along the way.

I have leafed through the few journal pages that I have kept safe while moving from place to place and returned to copies of the homilies given by my RNDM sisters, Denise Kuyp and Sandra Stewart, at my First and Perpetual Profession ceremonies. Through their words, I have marveled again at the cosmic leap of life in Elizabeth’s womb on hearing Mary’s greeting, and at the flow of sap from the vine enabling the life and fruit-bearing of its branches. Denise’s affirmation of God,

“who empowers everything and everyone and connects you and me and all other people on this planet… (who) brings us together whether we want to be or not”2

resonates anew at the core of my being, while Sandra’s teasing question,

“What good is a vine without branches?!”

delights me once more, as does the expansion of her thought that follows,

“Yes, as foolhardy as it may seem God has chosen to need… all of us… The miracle of faith is not so much that we believe in God, but that God believes in us.”3

25 years later, the persistent call to cherish the interconnectedness of the whole web of life has never been more urgent. How poignant to read now the words of Megan McKenna which Sandra once quoted:

This is our vocation: to make music out of what remains. To dance, to burst into new life. From the moment of our baptism, we are summoned to make music out of what remains: what remains of our lives, our loves and dreams, our hopes and fears, our sufferings and deaths, our struggles and our faithfulness, our communities and relationships.4

And so, on this anniversary of my First Profession, with renewed passion and commitment, and alongside very dear companions, I desire to make music of what remains, to proclaim once more my “Yes!” to the One who calls and to the journey that lies ahead. “O God, come to my assistance” (Psalms 69:2). My heart is ready to dance on.

1 Heather Bishop, “Yes to Life,” Old New Borrowed Blue, July 2, 2015, YouTube, 3:35, .

2 Denise Kuyp, Claudia’s Profession – Homily (St. Benedict’s Monastery, Winnipeg, 1997), 2.

3 Sandra Stewart, Homily: Life Vows of Claudia Stecker, rndm (St. Benedict’s Monastery, Winnipeg, 2004), 1.

4 Megan McKenna, And Morning Came: Scriptures of the Resurrection (Lanham: Sheed & Ward, 2003), xvii

Photo:  RNDM Jubilee Celebration, Cathedral Courts chapel, Regina, 23 July 2022

Claudia Stecker is a Sister of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM). She was missioned to the Philippines in 1997 and worked as an educator, first, in Cotabato, at Notre Dame University, and, later, in Manila, at Asian Social Institute. Her subject areas included pastoral sociology, leadership, music and education. Claudia was also employed by Kuya Center for Street Children where she took part in establishing a microfinance initiative among urban poor families. Over the years, Claudia served the congregation, too, in leadership, formation and finance management, returning to Canada in 2021. From 2023, she has been missioned to New York, USA, where she serves as a host community member in a LifeWay Network safehouse for women survivors of human trafficking.

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Sandra Stewart
2 years ago

Thanks Claudia! What wonderful memories I have of both your vow ceremonies! And the story I shared about the great violinist, and survivor of polio, Itzak Pearlman is a moving recollection. At a performance concert one of his 4 strings broke (audience gasped!!!) and he had the amazing skill to finish the 6 minute piece with the 3 remaining strings! He had instantaneously transposed the music from the missing string onto the 3 remaining ones. After the crowd moved from silent awe to uproarious applause, Pearlman said, “This has been my vocation, my lifelong mission –to make music out of what remains.” You are making music, Claudia, and always have. Congratulations again on your 25th anniversary of vows!

Giang Pham RNDM
2 years ago

Thanks so much Claudia for your amazing vocational story and your reflection after 25 years of vows. It inspired me and I believe it will inspire young people very much. Thanks for saying yes to be a member of Our Lady of the Missions and be a great missionary. May God continue bless you on your journey ahead.

Jacinta Dkhar
2 years ago

Hi Sr Claudia, Thanks for sharing with us your beautiful reflection on your life commitment to the RNDM family. Wow! … ‘Amazing expiriences’!
25 Years in the service of LOVE, again Congratulations.

Salota Aimalefoa
2 years ago

Beautiful and meaningful memories of a lifetime journey Claudia. Congratulations 👏 👏 👏 to these great years of following your heart deeply. You are a blessing to all the many people you had interact with.. Thank you for sharing your story ❤🙏


2 years ago

Inspiring! Dance on Claudia. I am glad to be dancing with you.