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My Life and Centering Prayer

As this is my first offering on the RNDM website, I wanted to introduce myself to you, dear readers. In my experience, when we have an opportunity to listen to each other’s stories it paves a way to heart connection and community. I have rubbed shoulders with a few beautiful souls in the RNDM community over the years. Our main connections have been through St. Benedict’s Monastery, Winnipeg and through the Contemplative Outreach network.

A little about me. I grew up in the country on a mixed farm. I am the oldest of my parent’s six children. My favorite childhood memories are spending time with my big, black, loyal dog, Brutus, and tromping through the woods surrounding the farm. I left home at 18 years of age and went to university where I graduated with a BA in Psychology. Sometime after that, I also graduated with a master’s degree in counselling.

Looking back, I notice pivotal moments which help to shape the trajectory of my life. The first moment I’d like to highlight is the death of my roommate, Michelle, in 1986 through intimate partner violence. This event catapulted me into a personal healing journey which extends into the present day. I now find that this healing journey blends seamlessly into my spiritual journey.

The second pivotal moment I’d like to share is when I was introduced to the method of Centering Prayer by my then spiritual director, Sr. Catherine Labinowich OSB. Practicing this prayer has literally changed my life. This gentle, loving prayer practice accepts me just as I am, asks nothing of me except my willingness to be present to The Presence, and deepens my relationship with God. After practicing Centering Prayer for a few months, I remember telling Sr. Catherine that it felt like the feet of my heart were more solid on the ground of life. In silent prayer, I sense the same qualities I experienced while roaming the woods as a child. Quiet – and not empty. Alone – and held. Restful – and awake. Small – and a part of the whole.

My written reflections tend to include observations where life and prayer intertwine, bringing an awareness of the Divine Presence showing up in the pivotal and ordinary moments of life. Thank you for allowing me to share them with you. May they be for our encouragement along The Way.

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2 years ago

Thank you Jacquie for your introduction – to yourself, and to your experience of Centering prayer. I appreciate what you have shared thus far, and look forward to reading more. And at least one of your aims has been realized in my reading – your reflections are “encouragement along the Way”.

Sandra Stewart
2 years ago

Thank you, Jacquie! Having read you often before now, I know you have a way of revealing the everyday experience with the spiritual unfolding that sustains it. Thanks for sharing this gift with us, the readers…

Christina Cathro
2 years ago

Thank you, Jacquie, I look forward to your written reflections; I am so moved by your powerful statement: “This gentle, loving prayer practice accepts me just as I am, asks nothing of me except my willingness to be present to The Presence;”

Wendy MacLean
2 years ago

Jacquie — I so enjoyed reading your reflection! Thank you for the insights you’ve shared on your experience of Centering Prayer. These are illuminating to me and I look forward to reading more of your “observations where life and prayer intertwine.”

Claudia Stecker
2 years ago

Hi Jacquie, I loved meeting you “in print!” Thank you for putting into words your experience of Centering Prayer – beautiful. I, too, am looking forward to more.