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The End

The end.
I woke up this morning with that thought.
When the season is all about beginning anew,
why am I thinking of the end?
I recently suddenly lost a very good friend.
She was there one moment,
and then almost in an instant she was gone.
The end.
Does it change my view to look at life from the end?
How would I live if I was not just planning
but looking back into now from the future?
Would life be different?
Words evade answers.
Maybe at times, it is just all about being here still.
Seeing that beginnings are endings
and endings are beginnings,
And with all the in-betweens
A gift still, a blessing.

Title Image ©Weeyaa Villanueva. All rights reserved worldwide. 

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2 years ago

Losing a loved one is painful and disruptive. Words are a way we have to try to make meaning in the midst of death. I was reading today about how “language, despite major developments in medicine and science, is still our most advanced technology.” Thank you Weeyaa for forging words into language, for the benefit of us all.

Christina Cathro
2 years ago

Thank you Weeyaa; your graphic strikes me powerfully: the vibrancy and strength of friendship interlaced with loss, blessing, presence and emptiness.

Wendy MacLean
2 years ago

Your question has invited me to pause and reflect: “How would I live if I was not just planning but looking back into now from the future?” Thank you for posing it.