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A Time To Be

Lent is a time for embracing reflection and renewal. A time to allow spaces for quieting the buzz of what goes on in and around and allow the silence to speak, focusing on what is truly essential. As I entered the quietness of my Lenten journey, it opened me up to what I have been missing in the past few months of being busy, sitting on the desk, facing the computers. Sharing wee thoughts that came my way.

Quietly sitting

Simply being

Watching life flow

In all that is

Up in the sky

Down in the land

Soaring, swinging, swaying

Waddling, wiggling, whirling

Rustling, Running

and slowly resting

Everything moving in rhythm

creating a symphony of melodies

A glorious spectacle

A wondrous site

In this moment

Sitting and being

Life’s great meaning comes into view

Beauty and wonder

A sacred space

Awaits all of us

If we just pause

To see the world around us in clarity

Calling us to live each day in sincerity.

May your own journey speak words into the silence. Have a blessed holy week.

Title Image ©Weeyaa Villanueva. All rights reserved worldwide. 

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Christina Cathro
1 year ago

Thank you, Weeya, for the reminder and invitation to embrace Holy Week in a reflective manner, into sacred space.

Veronica Dunne
1 year ago

I really appreciate your image of “Everything moving in rhythm

creating a symphony of melodies”. As I let your words sink into me, I too am part of the movement.