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Becoming a Digital Missionary

“To write is to embark on a journey whose final destination we do not know. Thus, writing requires a real act of trust. We have to say to ourselves: “I do not yet know what I carry in my heart, but I trust that it will emerge as I write.”

Writing is like giving away the few loaves and fishes one has, trusting that they will multiply in the giving. Once we dare to “give away” on paper the few thoughts that come to us, we start discovering how much is hidden underneath these thoughts and gradually come in touch with our own riches.”

Henri J. M. Nouwen

At the breakfast table, we sisters talk with one another about what is going on in our country, and we share on matters, political, social, economic, and cultural. Such conversations refresh me as another new day begins. Through such dialogue, I understand more clearly the gradual changes taking place in me and in the community where I live.

I was professed as a Sister of Our Lady of the Missions in 1966 and so learned about the changes proposed by Vatican II with enthusiasm as encouraged by my congregation.

Since then, I have been able to participate in different congregation programmes, some long and some not so long, as well as in church-sponsored programs here in Myanmar. I discovered that the Church recognizes that the modern world is where God calls us to be. What has heartened me since the Council is that we are now called to contextualize our theology, our spirituality and way of life.

When I first heard the expression “Applied spirituality” in 2018 I felt joy and happiness because my RNDM sisters and I are being empowered to develop our talents and gifts and so able to engage creatively according to our own cultures in the ministries assigned to us. As an RNDM I still desire to deepen my understandings of mission in our rapidly changing world being transformed through ever evolving technologies. Continuing to learn means I have to step out of my comfort zone to be of service in a different way.

After having heard the talk, “Mission in the Digital World,” presented by Maria Esther Palma Gonzalez SEMD on a zoom program organized by our congregation leadership team earlier this year, and the invitation of Veronica Dunne to write for the RNDM Canada website, I was determined to be a “Digital Missionary,” finding joy in learning, and exploring along with others!

Within me I felt joy, happiness, hope and excitement along with struggles on what and how to write like a shoot struggles to come out of the seed. Yet, I have great confidence to write because I have many good friends who assure me of their support on this new adventure. I am excited to explore and share with others and open to receive any comments. It is a great privilege to be part of a bigger world community and journey together. I am inspired by the words of Henri J. M. Nouwen I referred to at the beginning of my blog.

I close with words of the RNDM founder (Euphrasie Barbier) on 03 September 1877, to Sr. M. Of the Agonizing Heart, in Lyon:

“Take advantage of all the opportunities which our Lord gives you in order to advance in virtue.”

I am Noreen Mya Sie. I made my first profession as a Sister of Our Lady of the Missions in 1966. In our province here in Myanmar, I have been involved in teaching, leadership, formation, and at the Catholic Religious Conference of Myanmar (CRCM). I love it that I have been called to the world community of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions, and with so many others am committed to bringing about the reign of God in today’s multi-cultural and globalised world.

At present, I am our Province Archivist, and every day I am enriched by learning more about our pioneer sisters, their different ministries and the hardships they endured. Their experiences encourage me to more forward freely and courageously. It is great that I can make this journey with so many others in this age of technological advances.

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4 months ago

Welcome Sr. Noreen! I’m looking forward to reading your posts! =)

Sandra Stewart
4 months ago

Thank you so much, dear Noreen, and welcome to the RNDM blog here in Canada. I share your joy and excitement of being part of this new evolving universe with its many technological advances, though many pass me by! Like your quote from Nouwen, we can offer our “loaves and fishes,” and it is enough.

John. Win Min Set
4 months ago

“Sr, your story is a beautiful reflection of how faith can adapt to the modern world. Sharing your experiences as a “Digital Missionary” will inspire others to embrace technology as a tool for mission. Your enthusiasm and willingness to learn are truly commendable. I look forward to reading more of your work!”

Katherine Cameron
4 months ago

What a delight to meet you, Sr.Noreen, and to read about your journey. I think what inspires me most is that you are so willing to go out of your comfort zone and you do so with what I see as a sense of adventure and trust, hand in hand with God. I think you and Euphrasie Barbier have much in common!

Wendy MacLean
4 months ago

Hello and welcome, Sister Noreen! I very much enjoyed your first post to this blog and am looking forward to reading more of your beautiful insights.