May 17, 2024: Elizabeth Davis Synodal Discussion on Zoom

In January 2024 Sr. Elizabeth Davis (RSM), presented on her experience at the Vatican Synod in Rome, the previous October: Synod Discussion on Zoom with Sister Elizabeth Davis

At that time, Sr. Elizabeth challenged us all to each make our contribution towards creating a “Synodal church in mission.”  Many of the 300+ persons who registered for that Zoom, have been meeting in various parts of Canada, and on May 17, some had an opportunity to meet again, and share learnings with Elizabeth.

This Zoom, and the one in January, were both inspired by the example of nine members of the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE) who also went to Rome in October 2023, participated in a “Synod outside the walls”, and met with Elizabeth at that time.

This second Zoom was also actualized through a unique collaboration among the Catholic Network for Women’s Equality (CNWE-Western region), Reseau Compassion Network (RCN), the Grey Nuns of Montreal (SGM), and the Sisters of our Lady of the Missions (RNDM).

And now we continue to work towards the next Synod session in October 2024.  We pray for all the delegates, and for another group of CNWE members who will be meeting at the Vatican, with other Catholics, from all over the world,  outside the walls.

Download the presentation in pdf format:  Deepening Our Synodal Journey