Summer Learning Symposium 2024

Six international RNDMs who are currently living and working in Canada, participated in a month-long learning event organized by Sr. Giang Pham RNDM.  Below we share with you the highlights of this fruitful Summer Symposium, with reflections written by the paticipants.

Video Course on the life of Euphrasie Barbier by Sister Claire Himbeault RNDM

This video series was presented by Claire Himbault RMDM and recorded  by Giang Pham RNDM. We are pleased to offer the entire 22 part video series on its own page on our website (link opens in a new tab):

The Life of Euphrasie Barbier: A Video Course by Sister  Claire Himbeault RNDM

Our Summer Learning Symposium 2024 began with a profound immersion into the life and legacy of Mother Euphrasie Barbier, guided by the inspiring Sister Claire Himbeault. From the very first lesson, it was evident that this journey was not just an academic endeavor but a deeply personal and emotional exploration.

Sister Claire’s connection to our Mother Foundress is palpable, her recounting of experiences rich with authenticity and heartfelt devotion. Her passion and zeal for the congregation are a vibrant testament to her unwavering commitment despite her own health challenges. It is both humbling and uplifting to witness her dedication, knowing that her personal sacrifices and enduring spirit continue to enrich our understanding and appreciation of Mother Euphrasie Barbier.

We were incredibly fortunate to have Sister Claire as our guide. Her presence transformed every lesson into a living narrative, making our Mother Euphrasie Barbier and the first RNDM sisters come alive in a way that words alone could never achieve. Her contributions are a precious gift to us, imbuing the course with a sense of intimacy and reverence that will stay with us long after the summer ends.

RNDM Canada History by Sister Veronica Dunne

After just two weeks, our hearts and minds have become profoundly intertwined with the spirituality of our Mother Founder. Our pilgrimage with Sister Veronica Dunne was nothing short of transformative, as we delved into the rich tapestry of RNDM’s history in Canada.

As we traversed the landscapes that our pioneers once walked, we were not merely learning about events but experiencing the very essence of their lives. Each story unveiled the struggles, challenges, joys, and unyielding faith of those early missionaries who ventured into this land with a vision and an unshakable belief in their mission. Their sacrifices and triumphs have become a part of us, binding us to their legacy in ways words alone cannot express.

Back row, from left: Giang Pham, Pricilla Lugun, Nwe Ni Oo, Jacinta Dkhar, Thuong Truong, Thien Huong Nguyen.
Front row, from left: Claire Himbeault, Melvina Hruska, Marilyn LeBlanc, Veronica Dunne

The connection we now feel to these ancestors is profound. We admire their courage and resilience, feeling deeply moved by their commitment and love that has shaped our path today. Standing on the same holy ground they once did, we gain a renewed appreciation for the strength and faith that has brought us to this moment. Sister Veronica’s guidance, with the help of searching the biographies from Rome and circle sharing stories with Canadian sisters has made our learning experience deeply impactful and emotionally resonant.

This journey has been more than an exploration of history; it has been a heartfelt pilgrimage that has connected us with our roots and inspired us to honor and continue the mission laid down by those who came before us.

Read more about our experience:

Chronicle of Discovery: Embracing RNDM Canada’s Past

Some Reflections from the Learners

Presentation on Saint Augustine by Sister Anna Aulie RNDM

In the final three days of our journey, we had the privilege of delving into the life and teachings of Saint Augustine with Sister Anna Aulie. Despite her own health challenges, Sister Anna approached each session with a fervor and dedication that left a profound mark on us. Her passion and reflection of what she described as Augustine’s “restless heart” — a heart in relentless pursuit of God and deep connections with others. This sentiment resonated deeply within us as we shared in the quest for understanding and spiritual growth.

As we revisited Augustine’s journey and his yearning for unity and divine connection, we felt a renewed sense of purpose and community. Sister Anna’s insights and the poignant way she described Augustine — “a passionate heart for God” — left us deeply moved. Her ability to impart such wisdom and warmth, even in her own frail state, was a testament to her unwavering commitment and love for the spiritual journey we are all on.

We ended our time together with hearts full of gratitude and inspiration, enriched by Sister Anna’s heartfelt teaching and the enduring legacy of Saint Augustine. This final chapter of our course was a beautiful, emotional culmination, reminding us of the deep connections that bind us in our search for the divine and the enduring passion that fuels our faith.

Read more about our experience:

Reflections on Colouring the Mandalas

From left: Giang Pham, Thuong Truong, Anna Aulie, Pricilla Lugun, Jacinta Dkhar, Thien Huong Nguyen, New Ni Oo

Song “How late have I loved you” composed by Sr. Anna Aulie RNDM

How late have I loved You oh beauty so late,
How late have I loved You, so ancient, so new.
Our hearts are made for You, oh Lord
And they’re restless till they rest in You.

You were with me, I was away.
It was there that I sought You in the beauties you made.
But my beauty I lost running after those things.
You were with me but I was not with You.

You have called to me, You have cried out.
You have shattered my deafness.
You have shone on me, You have blazed forth Your Light.
Now I hear, now I can see.

You sent Your fragrance, I drew my breath.
I have tasted you, now I hunger for You.
Give what You command and command what You will,
For You touched me and I long for Your peace.

Closing Performance and Reflections

Thanks to Sr. Giang Pham RNDM for the above videos of the Closing Performance that dramatized the Sisters’ learnings on Euphrasie Barbier, RNDM Canada History, and Saint Augustine. 

Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions

393 Gaboury Place
Winnipeg, MB 
R2H 0L5

Phone: (204) 786-6051 
Fax: (204) 691-0640